Tiger’s Great Journey 08/20 Chapter 4 Part 1 and 2: Small in Comparison to the Vast Universe and The Ridge of Humility
This week in Tiger's Great Journey, Tiger and Blake embark upon a mountain ridge that will teach them both a lesson. Will Tiger be brave enough to speak up? Will Blake be humble enough to accept correction? Let's read and find out! Marty Callahan has spent his life understanding and improving the lives of students both young and old. His passion led to the founding of Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA in 1981 with a dream to awaken the extraordinary leader in his students. Having inspired, taught, coached, supported, and trained over 15,000 students in 40,000 classes in Santa Rosa, Marty has become Sonoma County's preeminent martial arts leadership instructor. His students, hundreds of whom have gone on to become leaders in their chosen fields, appreciate his engaging, student centered approach to teaching and they believe you will, too.