Shotokan Karate Leadership School® martial arts programs for all

Shoka Magazine Shoka News

Shoka News 

Shotokan Karate Leadership School® Newsletter 

February 1, 2023 

A BIG Welcome to our newest students!  

Addie Santiago, Julian Santa Maria, Lily Digardi, Joshua Reeves, Samsaara Santiago,  Skylar Morales, Khyle Phy-Birdsong 

Upcoming Events and Activities  

  •  Tournament Qualification Week, January 30th to February 4th 
  •  Valentine’s Day, Tuesday, February 14th Celebrate. Give someone a valentine.
  • Closed President’s Day, Monday, February 20th 
  •  Exams Tuesday and Wednesday February 21st and 22nd  

The Next Santa Rosa Invitational Karate Tournament – Saturday, April 1, 2023 Qualification Week: January 30 to February 4. Students must qualify to participate in the  tournament. If you wish to participate you must let us know this week and demonstrate your  commitment to train for the tournament and show up to compete.  

Japan Trip – April 10 to 17, 2023  

I will be joining some of our friends from Shotokan International Alliance and traveling to  Japan to do some sightseeing and karate training. If you’re interested in going, let me know and  we’ll see if we can make it work for you. 

The Return of 7th Degree Black Belt Sensei Kevin Warner – April 28-29… more later.  

Spring 2023 Award Ceremony and Potluck Dinner – Saturday, May 6th – Mark your  calendars 

Shoka Magazine (Formerly the Family Education Packet) 

We hope you’re getting it. It’s being sent in the mail to your house. We may have your address  wrong. If so, let us know and we’ll make sure you get on our mailing list.  


Ms. Caroline Chase has alerted us to the existence of a scam that she nearly fell for. Be careful.  

Mystery Crusher: Who Done It? – Detective Wanted 

We have noticed, over the last few weeks that someone with small hands has been crushing the  paper drinking cups we have on the table in the bathroom. So far, we have lost about 23 paper  cups to the Mystery Crusher. Solving this is going to require some keen detective work. If you  would like to take on this challenge, please let us know, we could use your help!  

Our Covid Policy  

Please wear a mask if you are unvaccinated. If you are vaccinated, it’s your choice. We will  never ask you to do anything that will put you or your family at risk. You always have the  opportunity to opt-out of any activity or event that you deem is unsafe.