Shotokan Karate Leadership School® martial arts programs for all

Shoka Magazine: Your SKLS Instructors

Your instructor is the key to this training process. He or she will provide you with the inspiration,  education, training, coaching, and support you’ll need. They have worked hard to get where they are and represent the highest values of martial arts training. They will show you how to succeed. The  lessons you learn will stay with you your whole life. Your instructor is committed to training you and  in return you must commit yourself to practicing what you learn. Your relationship with him or her is  important, so pay attention to what they tell you. Always address your instructor as ‘Sensei.’ This  term is one of respect. The literal meaning of sensei is “one who has gone before,” implying that  your teacher has already succeeded at what you are about to attempt and can show you the proper  way to do it. This prevents you from repeating the mistakes others have made in the past. Mistakes  are an important part of learning and you’ll make plenty of your own, but learning from the mistakes  of others is very important. Say hello and goodbye to your instructor, both when you come to class  and when you leave. This shows respect and teaches you to communicate with people who hold  positions above you in life.  

Junior Instructor: A Junior Instructor is a youth under the age of 16 holding a minimum rank of 1st Degree Black Belt and is qualified to teach all levels. He/she reports to the Head Instructor, wears  the Instructor Patch on their left shoulder and a Junior Instructor patch under the school patch.  

Instructor: An Instructor is an adult over the age of 16 holding a minimum rank of 1st Degree Black  Belt and is qualified to teach all levels. He/she reports to the Head Instructor wears the Instructor  Patch on their left shoulder and an Instructor patch under the school patch on their left breast.  

Senior Instructor: A Senior Instructor is an adult holding a minimum rank of 2nd Degree Black Belt  and is qualified to teach all levels. He/she reports to the Head Instructor wears the Instructor Patch  on their left shoulder and a Senior Instructor patch under the school patch on their left breast. There  many be several Senior Instructors.  

Junior Instructors, Instructors and Senior Instructors are members of the School Board of Review  and the Instructional Board. They line up slightly back and to the right of the Chief or Head  Instructor. All instructors wear 2 red chevrons on their left shoulder under their instructor patch.  

Head Instructor: The Head Instructor is an adult holding a minimum rank of 2nd Degree Black Belt  and is qualified to oversee all Instructors. The Head Instructor reports to the Chief Instructor.  

The Head Instructor is a member of the School Board of Review, the Instructional Board, the Board  of Examiners, and is an Adviser to the Student Leadership Council. When lining up, the Head Instructor stand slightly back and to the right of the Chief Instructor. He or she wears a Head  Instructor bar above the School Patch on the left breast and 2 red chevrons on their left shoulder  under their instructor patch. There is only one Head Instructor. 

Chief Instructor: The Chief Instructor is qualified to oversee the instructional program. This position  is for an adult who holds a minimum rank of 3rd Degree Black Belt and reports to the School Director.  There is only one Chief Instructor.  

The Chief Instructor’s role is to chair the School Board of Review, the Instructional Board and the  Board of Examiners. He or she lines up front and center on the training floor and wears the Chief  Instructor bar below the school patch on the left breast and 2 red chevrons on their left shoulder  under their instructor patch.