Shotokan Karate Leadership School® martial arts programs for all

Shotokan Karate Leadership School Teaches Respect to Students

By Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA

Karate to the common man may only be a ritual of self-defense and fighting techniques. However, the intricacies of learning karate go much deeper than this superficial belief. Karate is known to teach its students much more than just a fighting style. Martial arts training programs have a great number of varied, unifying and underlying principles that are also taught to students. 

A few of these values that are imparted to students at Shotokan Karate Leadership School include self-discipline, courtesy, greater self-confidence, larger self-esteem and strength of mind. However, one of the most important fundamental principles that underlie a karate training program is the principle of respect. 

Value of respect

Respect to StudentsRespect is a value that everyone understands the need and importance of. Respect needs to be both given and received. One of the aspects of respect that is commonly looked over is self-respect. Having self-respect is one of the most important stepping stones to being able to respect others and develop as a person. However, even though respect holds such importance, it is not commonly seen today especially in the youth. 

How martial arts training can develop respect

Develop RespectMartial arts training programs are specifically designed to imbibe a sense of respect into students both on and off the mat. The environment at a karate training center helps students to not only develop respect for their seniors and instructors, but also for their peers. As a student develops and learns karate he understands that the best way forward is through perseverance and self-belief. It is natural for a student to subsequently develop a sense of self-respect as well. Many parents have observed that their children have developed a greater sense of respect not only for the people at their training classes but also in all other crucial areas of their lives.

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