Enhancing Strength Using Martial Arts
Strength Equals Power
This rule holds true in any kind of martial art technique. At our school, increasing strength is one of the things we focus on. Lifting weights is great but for a martial artist, it’s not desirable to develop a bodybuilder’s physique. Much of the strength training that is done at martial arts school’s, is inherent in the techniques itself.
Front Snap Kicks for Core Strength
All martial arts kicks utilize the muscle groups in the legs, however, many of the kicks we practice also call on core muscle groups like the abdominals and lower back muscles. Practicing Tae Kwon Do style front snap kicks with their high chambering of the knee is a particularly good way of increasing core strength in your abs, while simultaneously strengthening the muscles in your legs.
Punching Your Way to a Stronger Upper Body
When it comes to punches in martial arts, strength equals speed which equals power. I see the three as intertwined. So, while a certain amount of weight lifting may help to increase your punching power, similarly, throwing punches will help you develop better upper body strength. Working out on the heavy bag, hitting focus pads and other methods of practicing punches are all ways to enhance upper body strength through martial arts technique.
Side Kicks for Lower Body Strength
The side kick is one of the most immediate and devastating weapons in any martial artist’s arsenal. Like a front snap kick, side kicks utilize core muscles to some degree. However, side kicks place a greater demand on the lower body than many other martial arts kicks. Practicing side kicks is an excellent way to build greater strength in your legs, hips, and thighs. The hard work you put into building this strength through practicing your kicks will pay dividends by translating as power when you unleash that side kick on a target.