Shotokan Karate Leadership School® martial arts programs for all

Reiner’s Merit Challenge: 100 Socks

Each instructional period, our students are challenged to do something bigger than themselves and Reiner knocked it out of the park!  We’re thankful to see such young enthusiasm in our students to want to make this world a better place.  See below for what Reiner did for the homeless in our community!

100 Socks

Describe why you chose this challenge:

“My teacher’s community project for October is “Socktober”: which is donating socks to the homeless. I wanted to raise money to help.”

How much time and effort did you put in to accomplishing this challenge?

I started in May by planting pumpkin seeds. I picked out Halloween fabric for face masks.

What were you hoping to accomplish with this challenge?

To raise money to 100 new pairs of socks. I did this by having a pumpkin patch sale in my driveway.

What did you find most interesting about the subject you chose?

Almost 600,000 people are homeless in the USA. Socks are needed.

What was most difficult in doing this challenge?

To manage the sale and not play with my friends that came to the sale.

Summarize what you did to complete this challenge:

I raised enough money from the sale to buy 100 pairs of socks for the homeless.

Thanks, Reiner, for being a good example to us all!