
Read what our students think about us

Below you will find reviews and testimonials from current and former Shotokan Karate Leadership School® students and their parents in Santa Rosa, CA.

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Sherry Paine, mom of Phoenix, age 7

What you do is just amazing. The way you had all those kids sitting there, listening to you. There must have been 25 of them and they were all there sitting up straight listening to you. I don't know how you do it, but it's amazing. And I like the way you incorporate morals into the class. That is so good. You have a real gift.

Arise Campbell, mom, son age 6

I've talked to other instructors and none of them sat down and talked to me about the things that needed to be said the way you did. I felt very comfortable with your presentation and with you being my son's instructor. What you are doing is very positive and if there is any way I can help I will.

Caitlin Clary

Dear Shotokan Families, Although many of you do not know my face, you may know my name and voice. For just over a year now, I’ve been blessed to have had the opportunity to have been brought onto the SKLS team during one of the most difficult times our city, nation, and world has faced. Sensei Callahan took me on and employed me with one goal for the school, and that is to see it survive this pandemic. His drive to continue to be a place where children can grow in strength of character and become prepared to face the new world we seemed to have been given, with leadership, integrity, and a leader’s voice, has never wavered. Being a vested part of what happens behind the scenes at the school has been very eye opening. The daily grit, effort, devotion, and sacrifice that was and is shown by Sensei, and the servitude of Billy, Sam, and Josh during this time, were evidence of the care for humanity we strive to exemplify in our school. They never gave up on the school, they never gave up on you, and during my short time here, neither did I. If this year has taught us anything, it’s that the only thing in life that is always the same is that everything always changes. Which leads me to the purpose behind this letter. With a humble and grateful heart, my family and I have been given the incredible opportunity to own a business in the field of expertise my husband has been gifted. While our family leaving the school is necessary for the future success of this new journey in our lives, it is with a heavy heart that we must say good-bye. Shotokan Karate Leadership School will always hold a special place in our hearts, as we witnessed our three teenagers train here for more than two years. Being some of the oldest on the floor with nary a martial arts skill initially, they were welcomed, encouraged, and when necessary, appropriately pushed to stretch beyond their comfort zones and rise to the caliber their senseis saw in them. In turn, they’ve had the opportunity to help instruct many of your children and I will remember fondly witnessing them grow into this special and coveted role as assistant instructors. It is my hope that each of your children find within themselves their own gift to offer the world as they strive to find what that is, barefoot on the mat, with joy and determination. We know we will hear much of what Shotokan Karate Leadership School will continue to do in the community and will always feel blessed that we held a small part of that legacy. Our family’s last day is July 25th. I look forward to serving you all until then. Sincerest Regards, Caitlin Clary (Roger, Chase, Aislinn, and Brooklyn) Communications Director Shotokan Karate Leadership School

Kim Corn, mom, son age 7

People have been telling us how amazed they are with the difference they see in Jordan since he started taking karate at Shotokan Karate Leadership School. Before he used to be quiet and hidden, he kept to himself and now he's a chatter monster! It's unbelievable; he's so much more confident and sure of himself. We are so happy, thank you so much, Sensei Callahan.

Janice Shipley, mom, son age 8

My son, Jared, trained with you about 25 years ago when he was 8 years old. We enrolled him in your school because he was being bullied at school. He left feeling much more confident and went on to become a physician. He now practices medicine in Portland Oregon. We are very grateful for what you did.

Dean Jones, Student, Santa Rosa

Sensei, my name is Dean. I was your student 15 years ago. I’m calling because I want to thank you for giving me the foundation for a wonderful life. The training I received from you has helped me in innumerable ways. I have a wonderful life and I don’t believe it would have turned out this way without the training that I received from you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Jim Thompson

Our son is now a professor at an Ohio University. What he learned at Shotokan Karate Leadership School played a big part in making him into the man he is today. Your training will carry him through the rest of his life.

Warren Z

It all started when our concern was the lack of physical exercise our child might have. So when we met Sensei Callahan to talk about goals, we simply hoped that our child would spend some time here doing physical exercise. Then in the past almost four years, we’ve witnessed the dramatic progress and achievements our kid has been making, not only in Karate techniques, but in dedication, confidence, communication, teamwork, courage, courtesy, and leadership skills, just name a few. A great example is leadership skills. our child used to be a quiet girl. But through karate practice, leadership training and instructor program, she becomes assistant instructor, she demonstrates the ability to lead and to teach, and can confidently give orders and train lower level students. In April 2021, she made black belt achievement, now we are very confident that our child will continuously make great progress. We sincerely thank Sensei Callahan and his staff, for excellent guidance, training, and support!