
Martial Arts Insights

Empower Your Journey, One Post at a Time

Dive into our rich collection of articles, tips, and stories from the martial arts world. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a curious beginner, our blog offers valuable insights to inspire and elevate your training journey.

May 10, 2017

The roots of Karate date back to ancient Japan, possibly as early as the 14th Century by some accounts. Today, Read more...

April 18, 2017

A large factor of success lies in bringing the right attitude and mindset to your endeavors. By staying focused and Read more...

March 23, 2017

Exercise positively influences mental health. You might just be surprise how beneficial Martial Arts can be both mentally and physically, Read more...

February 15, 2017

Exercise is an important part of staying healthy. However, there are different kinds of exercises and doing all of them Read more...

January 31, 2017

It’s a scary world out there. Every night the news is full of stories of people hurting others. So you Read more...

January 13, 2017

“I’m not in shape” is the most common excuse heard from potential adult students of the martial arts. This seems Read more...

December 20, 2016

Everyone has their own image of martial arts training. Some picture an old temple off in the mountains, others a Read more...

December 6, 2016

So you want to enroll your child in Karate? Unless you have some experience in this yourself you will want Read more...

October 4, 2016

In a previous post I talked about character as being the essence of ‘who we are’. And that it is Read more...